This genie will help you manage all your tasks!
Available Commands
- help
- list
- todo
- deadline
- event
- done
- delete
- find
Command | Example | Description |
help |
help todo | Provide descriptions for each specific command in the CLI |
list |
list | List all current tasks |
todo <todo name> |
todo Buy Groceries | Add a new todo |
deadline <deadline name> /by <date and time (dd/MM/yyyy HHmm)> |
deadline Assignment /by 10/10/2019 2359 | Add a new Deadline |
event <event name> /at <date and time (dd/MM/yyyy HHmm)> |
event Hackathon /at 23/09/2019 0900 | Add a new Event |
done <task serial no> |
done 1 | Mark a task as done |
delete <task serial no> |
delete 2 | Delete a task |
find <text> |
find Buy | Find all tasks containing the text |